Monday 10 February 2014

Picture 1 : The Congested Urban Life Generalized

The Town of Arima in Trinidad


              I took this picture as it captures the general idea of congestion in an urban city. Taken in Arima, a major town in East Trinidad, this is a typical Saturday morning. Congestion can take many forms in the urban and is depicted in this picture. From actual traffic congestion due to increasing numbers of people and cars entering this urban town, to buildings "jam packed" next to each other and pavements cluttered with vendors, pedestrians and customers. At different times of the day and week an urban area can become even more congested. Urban lifestyle is a chaotic one, and most congestion is found at the heart of a city.

              As a geographer studying urban geography there are many models and theories which attempt to explain the processes and characteristics of urbanization. Within the Caribbean countries all have urban cities which grow and develop at different rates for different reasons. Some well known models are from Burgess 1924, Ullman and Harris 1945, Hoyt 1939, Mann 1965 and Sjobeig 1960, which show the patters and processes involved in the expansion of a city/town. Though these models are not fully applicable to the town of Arima an by extension the Caribbean, what these models all have in common is their starting point, the fuel for a city's growth, the Central Business District (CBD)
Like all models mentioned show, the CBD is at the core of a city where there is a concentration of social, economic, political and cultural activities. The picture above shows the congested street of Arima, as this area is well developed and known for its many businesses, shops and economic activities which draw in people. Along the left hand side of the road there are several businesses and franchise (KFC, Pizza Hut, Rattans, a Chinese store, Bakery), on the right hand side there is the Arima Market, where local and foreign goods and produce is sold, and along the pavements are street vendors. An area such as this is often busy and crowded with people, the general 'hussle and bussle' of life. As further growth, development, expansion and population numbers increase there will be an increase in urban congestion.
            Further pictures will be posted with respect to congestion within urban areas from different aspects going in depth and showing its impact on people and the environment.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Just a little background info

Hi all!!!
Welcome to my first ever blog. My name is Anamika Shari Roopnarine and as the title suggest my blog will take a look into the congestion of urban life for a Geography assignment. My aim is to look at congestion from different points of view and show the effects of this on everyday life, the effect is has on people and the environment.

The word Urban relates to cities and towns. Urbanization is the process by which an increasing amount of people take up residency in urban areas (town/cities). Such areas are prone to growth and development which can have both positive and negative impacts.