Friday 11 April 2014

Conclusion and Reflection

        Urban congestion takes form in cities in various ways and contributes to many problems to people and the environment. The aim of this blog was to shed light on the different aspects of urban congestion, its contributors, the impacts which result from this congestion and suggestion possible futures for the city and suggestions to alleviate these problems. The picture blog has allowed me to better understand the many issues of urban life with respect to urbanization, growth and development. 

        Some of my colleagues blogs are able to further expand and touch on 3 of my major topics which generate a significant amount of urban congest and one of the major loses due to this congestion:

The Informal Economy  (Stephanie Lalla) : street vendors crowd the road ways, streets, pavements and walk ways in cities, this tends to lead to increased traffic congestion as well as Pollution (Vanessa Boodoo) as they leave garbage and waste along the roads and drains.
With increasing urbanization and expansion of cities we see a loss of green space to accommodate new building and infrastructure and we neglect
The Importance of Green Spaces/Parks (Terry-Ann Arjoo)

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