Wednesday 9 April 2014

Increasing Urban Congestion

            The issue of urban congestion is one that is continuously on the rise within cities. Urbanization first led to more growth and development which contributed to the initial congestion in the city. Urban growth attract people, business and companies/industries to its CBD, therefore initial congestion has been exacerbated over the years as urban cities grow and expand outward, creating urban sprawl and large urban cities. Cities have become extremely congested with high rise buildings, clustered streets, pollution and a high population density. Urbanization will continue to occur but there needs to be management of this urban growth and development. 
            Pollution (air, land, water), traffic, loss of green space, crime and violence, rise in cost of living will all continue to increase in cities. The pictures show construction of high rise infrastructure and housing that will eventually attract more people and business into urban areas. We also see the preservation and restoration of building to maintain some history of the urban cities.  

Todd Litman executive director of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute proposed Smart Congestion Solutions in 2014

   With growing cities much consideration needs to go into the people of the city and the way their lifestyle will also change. The trailer for the inspiring new documentary about urban agriculture in America, GROWING CITIES follows innovators, activists, and everyday city-dwellers who are transforming communities one vacant lot, beehive, and rooftop farm at a time. Along the way, viewers discover urban agriculture is about a whole lot more than simply good food.

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